My cousin and her husband have not been able to have children of their own. More than likely, they will not be able to. So, for the last several years they have been foster parents to many children. And, by God's grace, they were even able to adopt a precious little boy along the way! Last night, they were preparing to say goodbye to a little girl they have had in their home for about a year now. Sometimes, these kids end up back in their parents' home. But, this little girl is being adopted today! She was so excited. We had a little celebration last night for her complete with gifts and cake! She kept telling me over and over again" I am going to live with my new mommy tomorrow! " As mom and I were saying our goodbyes, I noticed mom quickly slipped out before me and I knew she had gotten emotional. And you know, that's really easy to do- this child has been part of our family for the last year. But, her life really begins today!! She is part of a family now that chose her, I hope has prayed for her, can give her opportunity and love beyond measure. And this is how our God works! He takes bad and turns into good! His strength shown mightily in a seemingly weak situation. It is power.
We have new friends at our house.
Yes, that is a hummingbird! There is a story behind this..
A few weeks ago, me, Jason and the rest of my family had dinner at my grandpa's house. They have a sun room and he had a hummingbird feeder suctioned to the window. As I sat and looked out, one of his hummingbirds flew right up and began drinking. I was mesmerized. Others would fly up and they would fight each other off . . and I could have watched all evening. (I did alot of the evening). As long as you are still and don't make any sudden movements, you can get as close as you want to the window! I have never been into bird watching or anything associated with birds really, but that has changed! I asked my Papa Lane all kinds of questions about hummingbirds, how he mixed his water, so on and so on that night. I had the intention of going and buying a feeder the next day, but had just about decided to wait until next year. Sunday night he shows up at my house with my own feeder! He even helped Jason and I get the sugar water mixed and attached to the window- ready to go! I was so afraid that we would not have any birds. Do you know that by Monday we had our own hummingbird?! As of yesterday, we have 2 now. This excites me! I love watching them come and drink. Jason took these pics this morning. I love that he wanted to capture this for me! Thanks babe!
Couldn't leave this baby out!
"So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:21
Love the hummingbird story. How sweet that your grandpa went and bought you a feeder. I, too, can be mezmorized by God's creation...what draws them and what causes them to come back for more! Here's to many happy days watching them come and drink!
ReplyDeleteI have three feeders on my back porch and I spend hours there during the spring and summer just watching them! Thanks be to God for the wonderful, yet simple pleasures in life!