Thursday, September 23, 2010

10 Things!

10 RaNdOm things about me:

1. I always wanted to be a police woman. I really think I would have been a good one. Sometimes, after I watch a good episode of Cops, I even run through the whole "Sir, would you please step out of the vehicle" bit with Jason and administer a fake arrest. My family gets a kick out of this. Trust me, it's funny.

2. I use to take a bath every night. I mean a nice, long, hot bath in my huge corner jacuzzi tub. This was one major factor in us buying our house. I have not been in the thing in over a year. Now, the only time I get in is if I am sick and running a temperature. Main reason- it's too much trouble to clean! (I do take showers every night now- and morning too!)

3. My husband played college level baseball- he and my brother were best friends before Jason and I even met. This is so special to me.

4. My cousin (1st cousin-not distant!) is on TV. The new 90210, to be specific. She plays Silver- AKA Erin Silver, Kelly & David's little sister for all you 90210 watchers. Google her- her name is Jessica Stroup. We see each other a couple of times a year. Here is a picture of us last Christmas-

From Right to Left: Jessica, Me, David (Jessica's brother) and Lauren (David's wife)

5. 2 years ago me, my mom and my grandmother took a summer trip to Washington and NYC. It was amazing! Just girls- and we had a blast! We decided that we would like to make our girls trip an annual event! This year, my aunt joined us and we went to Savannah, GA. It was really fun! Wonder where we can go next year?!!

L to R: Mom, Me, Mama Gayle, Aunt Deedie

6. I have been in 2 wrecks my whole life- When I was in 11th grade, I hit a school bus . . head on. I walked away with scrapes and bruises and a hurt finger. The other time, I was driving me and my brother to school. I leaned down to get something out of the floor board and lost control. We fish tailed, swerved off the road and landed in between 2 trees. It was so tight, my brother could not open the passenger door from the inside.

7. I love honey mustard, Dr. Pepper and plain M&M's mixed with peanut butter!

8. I am going to try to learn to play golf this fall. Can't remember if I mentioned or not, but Jason got me my very own set of clubs! I tried to play some this summer, but it was just too hot- for me!

9. My favorite day of the week is Thursday.

10. My favorite disciple is Peter.

That was fun! I read alot of blogs and really enjoy when people do just random lists of stuff- either about their families or their favorite things. It feels like you get to know people better. I decided to do my own today! Maybe this will help you know me better.

Today is my brother's 25th birthday! Happy Birthday Daniel! We are going to celebrate tonight with dinner at a Japanese steak house. I have been looking forward to it so much, that I did not eat much lunch in hopes of really filling up tonight! I am so hungry now though. I think I will have to have a snack.

My sister-in-law's wedding was absolutely beautiful on Saturday. We could not have asked for a better day. The weather was the best it could have been, the bride looked beautiful, the food was great and the celebration even better. The newly weds are in St. Lucia on their honeymoon. I know they are having a blast. Congrats Jason & Anna!

I started class 2 Monday nights ago and it is going really well. I have alot of outside work that I have only just begun to work on. It is going to be intense. But, I have and am learning so much that it is not really that bad. Just time consuming and lots of information. I will get through it though. I can't wait to see how God is going to use this in my life.

Have a great Thursday night- I know I will as I over eat!

1 comment:

  1. Love your random things!! My favorite day of the week is Thursday too! That's funny about wanting to be a policewoman! I can see you doing that!! I am glad the wedding went well! I want to see pics! :)
