Monday, January 3, 2011


I have nothing really news worthy to share today, so this post will be totally random. As I type, we are waiting on the cable man to bring us a new box. Yes, it is currently 8:16 PM and we are waiting. At the end of last week, and possibly against our better judgement, we decided to switch from Direct to Charter. Basically, long story short, same price/month with many more amenities. For example, high speed internet :) Also, DVR- that I am super pumped about. We have had some channel malfunctions since installation, and I think they forgot about us until Jase just made a call about an hour ago. Cable installer man is on his way. We have no cable service in our family room currently. Very interesting conversation happening our way at the moment. Actually, no conversation happening. Gracie is pouting in her kennel. She has a hard time with strangers in her house. We are in sad shape!

Cable man just called. Looks like we have another 20 minute wait. Perfect. Husband getting madder by the second- there is football on people!!!!! Didn't the cable company get the memo?

Oh well, enough of the play by play of our night. The real reason I wanted to talk tonight was because I am loving the current Bible study I am doing during my quiet time and I wanted to pass along some treasure for you too! A friend of mine was telling me about this series of 3 books she was in the process of reading and about how absolutely wonderful the story was. I am not much on series books for a couple of reasons, but mainly because I usually end up neglecting my family and quiet time in a major push to get finished. I get excited and want to get to the end as quickly as possible so that life can resume. One word- Twilight. I read all 4 books in record time. Lost sleep, lost blessing and who knows what else because I couldn't put those books down. When she was telling me about this series my first reaction was one of total turnoff because I just didn't want to get hung up. But, as I continued to listen to her tell me basically what happened in the whole first book, I became intrigued. I am not going to go in any detail, because I want you to read for yourself, but the series is called Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers. This is her website where you can read descriptions of her books. I can in no way do her books justice by my synopsis. If your looking to be blessed and blessed and blessed some more-read them! I am currently reading Lineage of Grace, which tells about the women mentioned in Chapter 1 of Matthew who are in Jesus lineage- Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. This is one big book complied of the 5 different stories of these women. At the end of each book, she provides a study for digging deeper into God's word so that you don't become tempted to just rely on her words alone. At first, I wasn't going to do them. (Remember my need to be finished!) But, I ended up diving in and I am so glad I did. I am going so deep in scripture, like to the nuts and bolts of THE Word and God is so faithful to show me so much of Himself. I don't know what else I can say about this lady, but her books are life changing. I encourage you to get started on 1 . . or 3 :)

The cable man just left a bit ago. New box works perfect. Everyone is happy again in my house.

Need more practice on my memory verse, so here it goes:
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11

Judah and Tamar are calling my name . .

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