Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rainy Day Reminder

This post may seem random. But, you know how sometimes God will lay something on your heart that he wants you to tuck away for a rainy day and remember? This post is for that reason entirely.

Lately, it seems that any news I hear is bad. I know it just isn't in my on little world, because much of it is national, and some even in blogland. It's hard. It serves as an ever-present reminder that life is hard and that circumstances are not always pleasant and ideal. So many of us are struggling in so many different ways. Sickness, infertility, deployments, job losses- just to name a small few. All of those dynamics working as we attempt to lead everyday, "normal" lives can sure challenge the believer, can't it? Just look back at the happenings in Arizona. I remember back two summers ago when our small town in upstate South Carolina served as the hunting ground for a serial killer. His victims included an older gentleman, a mother and her daughter, and a father and his daughter. Still unthinkable-unbelievable even. In my profession, I am around contractors daily. I have seen first hand what this economy has done to their businesses. Those who are still lucky enough to be employed, who have somehow managed to see it through this far, are among the few. I could go on and on. Couldn't you?

And because we are human, we overhear others and sometimes wonder ourselves . .

How could God let this happen? Just not real clear here, Lord, on what you are up to-can you stop and explain so that we can be ok..... assured.....certain. Just bring us in the loop!

Does that sound familiar? It does to me, I am afraid. At times when things seem to be spiraling more and more out of our control . . out of our grasp, we go to that place. You know that place, because I know you have been there before too.

God continually whispers sovereignty to me. As I prayed with God this morning, just person after person after person rolling out of my mouth- each dead in the midst of their own battle- He brought it to me, again. He removed the blinders, that constantly seem to be in the way, and allowed me a glimpse of His glory and His provision for us. Even when it makes no sense.

We would mess it up- anything and everything we could manipulate to our advantage. We can't help it, we are human. Our humanity is made up of our sin nature and that sin nature is a part of everything we do. It just is. We are so small minded that we so often believe that we have information God doesn't and our way is the best way.

"But Lord, if we could just maybe go this way things would work out alot better, people would be spared, no sadness, no worry . . ." on and on.

The problem is that though we think we know best, we absolutely don't. What makes sense to us is so small on the spectrum in comparison to what God has laid out for us. Our God is a BIG God. Don't lessen Him! He continually reminds me that he works all things for our good and his glory and that no mind has conceived what He has prepared for those who love Him.

There will be things we never fully understand and grasp. And, that's ok. As long as we understand His love for us, what else is there?

And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.
Ephesians 3: 17-18

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