Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What We Are Watching Right Now

We are in reality TV overload right now! I have always been a reality TV junkie, but I have gotten Jason in on the fun too! We literally have something every night of the week that we can watch.

Monday night starts with a new show on MTV called Caged.

This show is actually pretty good. It follows the lives of several young adults in a small town near Shreveport, LA who cage fight. I know it sounds funny, and looks funny even typing it, but that show has been surprisingly good! I like to see how they train and the actual fight. All the drama in between is funny too.

Tuesday night is Teen Mom 2.

I will admit, this one I watch on my own! Jason hates this show, but I think it is so good! I tell my Aunt (who has 2 teenage boys) every time that I see her that I think all teenagers need to be required to watch this show. It is defiantly not an ideal picture of teen motherhood. If anything, it paints a very real picture of the hardships these girls (and boys) face.

Wednesday night is the most hectic. .Modern Family and Revenge! Modern Family is probably one of the funniest TV shows I have ever seen. I love the way it addresses certain issues and always gives a comedic spin! Revenge is one of Jason's favorites. I liked it to alot at first, but I got worn out with all of the vindictiveness. I still sort of half way watch it, but not like Jase does.

Thursday night is . . I am almost embarrassed to type this, but if I am being real....
Jersey Shore.

I have tried to stop watching this. I have told myself time and time again that this show is not funny . . but it just is!

That pretty much wraps up our TV week . . isn't that enough? A few others we love when they are on are Survivor, Big Brother, American Idol, Jail, Police Women of Memphis (that's just me!!!!), Alaska State Troopers and Kourtney and Kim Take New York.

I am in love with any reality cop/jail show. That includes Cops (esp. the old ones!), Locked Up, etc. .

After looking at this list, I think I need to stop watching so much TV!


  1. Girl, i hate to admit it, but we watch a lot of reality tv too! Some nights i seriously feel lke nothing else is on! If only we could go back to our good shows like laguna beach! Ha! Do you still have your shirt? We seriously should wear it the next time we get together! Haha

  2. Yes! And do you remember those shirts we bought at Abercrombie that year . . mine said I had a nightmare I was a brunette? Ha! I wore it last night to bed! MEMORIES!! :)
