Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Fun

What a beautiful Saturday! Though it began kind of cloudy and alittle cold, the clouds cleared off after lunch and the sun came out!

I was lucky enough to have my hubby home with me today, so after some running around this morning we spent the better part of the evening here -

Rigging up my new pink rod

Testing the bait!

The fish like it! I didn't want to touch the fish, so I was trying to take the picture while Jason held it next to me . . Great shot huh?!

Here is what he looked like

Beautiful trees. . The wind was blowing and you could hear the wood creek and crack as they swayed back and forth. Enjoy God's beauty in creation!!!

A duck landed across from me. .

Finished strong! This is Herbert. We got to know one another while we waited on Jason to come from about a mile (ok, maybe not really that far) across the pond to get him off the hook. Herbie, as he preferred to be called, was very patient and splashed around with the hook in his mouth until help arrived. I am not touching these live fish.

I won our little competition. 2 fish to 1 ! To be honest, it was not really a competition until I was winning :)

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