Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bugging Out

Just a few minor hazards from enjoying last week/weekend outside as much as possible . . .

I had some more on my other foot, but I scratched them until they bled, then I scratched them some more until some fluid came out, then I scratched them alittle more, then I left them alone because they finally stopped itching!!! The worst is laying in bed at night and the sheets lightly brushing against them. OH MY GOODNESS, I have been known to get up in the night and just rub my feet as hard as I possibly can against the carpet. Doesn't help, but for that brief moment it satisfies the terrible itch.

Switching gears . . . Jason and I have been watching certain TV shows about survival, as I have mentioned on here before. Never have I ever thought about actually putting a plan together. I have laughed at people who do, called them silly, not understood why in the world they would go to all the trouble to prepare for disaster?!

However, I have been rethinking it lately. I think that some people go to the extreme, yes. But I also think that it is a good idea to have a game plan should something terrible happen. I am not talking about the end of the world, but I am thinking more along the lines of economic downfall, bad weather, etc. I heard last night that it is suggested you keep at least 3 days worth of food in your house at all times. We have no where close to that. Sure, I have random cans of corn laying around, but I want to get alittle more organized about the whole thing. I told Jason I was going to start picking up a few extra things at the grocery store to have on hand. I don't think that is too bizarre?? He kind of looked at me funny :) Also, this weekend I am going to learn to shoot a gun. I have shot before, but never with targets and never with a specific purpose. I need to learn to protect myself anyway, so hopefully this doesn't sound terribly crazy. There are what the "experts" call bug out bags that you can also have on standby filled with enough supplies to last you 72 hours should you have to pack and run. No, I am not going here . . . yet. ! Here is our first little extra pick up:

Not a big deal now, but it is a start!

I was walking in our yard on Sunday afternoon looking for 4 leaf clovers. Never could find one! I went to church and one of my sweet awana babies had found 5! I was determined to find at least 1! Went back home and looked again and found one. Went looking today at lunch when I let Gracie out and found another!


  1. You are so funny! We have been watching some of those shows too! It kinda makes you start thinking crazy! I need to stock up on things too! You arent going to believe this but i searched and searched with landry to find a four leaf clover this week! I could not find one! You have motivated me to try again! Also, have you got your pictures back yet?

  2. We have not ordered them! I want to get the whole disk, but I thought the pricing seemed CRAZY! I may be totally off though. I am working on it ;)
