Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday Eve

I am pooped. Jason and I just finished eating a delicious dinner of stew beef, mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. I messed up and let Gracie have a sample of our dinner (just a small bite of each food) and she is now laying in the kitchen floor crying for more. Jason is to my right, belly full. . tired from a long, hard day of golf . . and is now snoring. It's 7:34. Basketball is blasting on the TV, but I am not a fan. I plan on turning in tonight early as well. No better way to begin a week than rested!

A tragedy hit home yesterday. There was a train wreck at a nearby park that claimed the life of a 6 year old little boy. I did not know the child, or family, but his dad is the pastor of a church here in town. I did know some of the children that were on the train that -PRAISE THE LORD- are ok- just alittle banged up. Here is a link to the story. Please pray for this family and all those that were involved in this accident.

God reminds me daily of His grace and goodness. In the midst of tragic, heart wrenching events, God still sits enthroned over the heavens and earth and is in control. Japan weighs heavy on my heart day and night. I see photos and hear the news and I just . . . see how fragile life really is. But, Believers, we are not hopeless. Far from it. We cling to Jesus- He hears our cries. He knows them before the words form in our mouths- when they don't form in our mouths. I am praising God because He is the source of my strength. Yours, too.

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