Friday, August 27, 2010

Looking Forward to Fall!

I can't believe it has been more than a week since I last posted! Truthfully, I haven't really had that much going on . . definitely nothing post worthy. I think I have been in alittle funk. I am kind of in an in between place right now. Have any of you ever been there? I am guessing so. You know the place- somewhat content where you are but praying God's direction. Not sure where that may take you but so looking forward to the outcome! Uncertain of how you may get there but leaning on God for provision! Praying for patience- one of my many weaknesses. We will see!

As Labor Day quickly approaches, so does the last few days of summer. I am looking forward to fall! It has been a crazy hot/humid summer. Too hot. The heat started early too- I remember wearing Rainbows to an event at the end of March! I am a much better cold person if that makes any sense at all.

I love certain things that I just associate with fall~ scarfs, Danskos, crispy/cool mornings and evenings, more frequent trips to Starbucks, the changing of the leaves and sky, blankets, college football (esp. Gamecock football!), my mama's halloween candy corn/peanut/M&M mix, annual girls Christmas shopping weekend, the view of the mountains from my in-laws house, rocking on my screened porch, meeting Jason for an early dinner on a late afternoon Saturday. . . I could go on and on.

I hope you have a great weekend!

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