Here we are . . WEEK 38!
I'm not going to pretend this last leg has not been tough. Not impossible (obviously!), but just difficult. I did want to remember what these last weeks were like, though.
Sleep has been hit or miss. I have never struggled with sleeping. Not so much these days. It's not that I am all that uncomfortable. It totally depends on my state of mind. I know that is so weird. For whatever reason my mind goes in one thousand different directions at night. It's hard to get my thoughts contained and put to rest for the night. That coupled with Noah's position and Gracie have made for some interesting nights at our house!
I have been on maternity leave for a week now. That was also a difficult transition, especially with no baby yet. I have always either been in school or worked. Not sure how to handle days at home. I am learning. I am cooking . . alot! I am cleaning. I am doing loads of laundry everyday. Jason has not been complaining too much ;) Don't know how much of that will continue when Noah gets here!
My nausea from early on has come back :( I was so glad to be over all of that and really enjoying eating. Again, I think alot of that is his position and movements. I have been really sensitive to those 2 things the last few weeks. I have read it ends immediately when he is out so that is something to look forward to! Another thing that has not been fun has been acid reflux. I have been lucky in that I have not had that or heartburn up until recently. I would rather have the heartburn then the reflux. I about lost my lunch all over the table at my grandmas yesterday because it came very unexpectedly!
Up until about 31-32 weeks Noah was breech. The doctor started talking about trying to manually flip him if that was something I may want to attempt. Um . . no thank you. I had mentally prepared myself for a csection, but he was able to get turned head down! Instead of a bulging head in my ribs these last 6 weeks I have been enjoying his little bottom, feet and legs. At times when he is really active I will go to grab a foot that feels like it is getting ready to break through my stomach and he will jerk it away. That has been fun!
Enough complaining . . this pregnancy has been absolutely wonderful. Compared to others, I realize how blessed I am. My blood pressure has always been great, I have been able to work everyday, have felt good and I have had hardly any swelling. I thank God for these things because He has sustained us.
I have been going to the doctor weekly now for the last 4 weeks. As of 2 weeks ago I was 1 cm dilated and 90% effaced. And I thought he was well on his way! HA! He must be very comfortable in there. I go back this week to be checked so we will see how progression is coming along. Lord willing . . NO MUCH LONGER!